Dual Team Pay Plan

Welcome Back Xooma Fans,

Over the course of our next entries we are going to discuss the mechanics of the Xooma Comp model and really dig into what they mean and how you can take advantage of the compensation plan.I have really wanted to discuss this topic for awhile but I really wanted to map out my thoughts and give you the best explanation, as I see it.

Xooma's compensation plan is comprised of several income streams. Participation in all income streams is not mandatory but as we review all of the income streams you will see the synergy and, really organic growth of the compensation plan.

Let's start by looking at the 1st level of compensation the Dual Team Prosperity plan. You can reference this section of compensation plan by visiting the opportunity section of our www.xoomaworldwide.com

The Dual team prosperity plan is the binary aspect of our compensation plan and is the fundamental income stream in everyone's Xooma Business. The dual team income stream is based on the enroller tree map of your organization. This means that all members in your downline, both those you have sponsored into the business and those who are in your business as a result of spill over, all contribute volume towards the Dual Team income stream.

The important thing to understand about this plan is Balance. The Dual team income stream like other binaries is really based on Balance. As you grow your organization will build out into two main legs based on the members on your front line. The "legs" are simply a way to identify the tops of your organization.

So in the example below you are at the top of your organization and Bob is on the top of your Left Leg and Maria is the top of your Right Leg.

So then looking at your organization each week you have sales and that sales correlates to volume in your organization. We will say that for the example we will use round numbers just to make it easy. So everyone in your group has a $100 order.
So in this Example you have your personal order which helps to qualify at 100 QV/PV (for more information on QV/PV visit this previous Xooma gears entry) and your organization has their personal orders in for 100 QV/PV respectively.

All of this Volume in our system is broken down into Left Side and Right Side Volume. So in our example I will draw a line down the center of the organization and mark off the Left and Right Sides.

From this point our system tallies the total Volume on your left and the volume of your right. So in our example you have 300 QV/PV on both your left and right.

From here the system looks at how many cycles you have in your organization. A cycle is when you have 160Pv on both the left and right to pay out based on the amount of your personal order.

$16/10% of each cycle ( if you have two personally sponsored active members on each side of your organization and a personal order of 25 QV/PV),

or $24/15 % of each cycle ( if you have two personally sponsored active members on each side of your organization and a personal order of 50 QV/PV).

So based on our example we'll say you sponsored Bob and Maria (so you meet the requirement of having 2 personally sponsored active members,one per leg) and you have a personal order of 100 QV/PV (this meets the 50 QV/PV minimum for you to earn 15%  or $24 per cycle.

With all of this in mind let's look at our example again. So according to the organization we have 300 QV/PV on the right and left.

The system simply divides 160 into the volume. for each side so 300 divided by 160 will give us 1 cycle with 140 Pv remaining in Carry over Volume. Carry Over Volume stays in your organization as long as you have a qualifying order each month.

So our Example will pay you $24.00 and you will still have 140Pv on each side to help you build more volume going forward.

For a lot of members this piece grows to several cycles each week.

Remember that this is 1 of 8 Income streams that contribute to your overall Xooma Commissions.

I think of this as a base or foundation of your business and that it will always be accumulating volume as you build your Business.

To Your Wellth

Xooma Gears


Unknown said...

very nice explanation, thank you

Unknown said...

Very nice explanation, Thank You