I have been with Xooma since we first launched on May 5th 2005. The other day I was helping a member with a back office concern and we were reviewing some of the commissions reports. As I was explaining the how and why regarding commissions I was using terms that I knew but that are not always obvious when you look into our backoffice. I wanted to outline the common terms that we use describing the compensation plan and understanding Xooma.
Glossary of Terms
PV (Point Volume) is the amount of commissionable dollars in your personal purchase or group. To help your downline, you can refer to this as the “pay volume”, because this is where the system determines payout commission dollars.
QV (Qualifying Volume) is the unit of measure for “qualification volume”. All Xooma products carry QV. Qualifying Volume is used to help determine the level of qualification for personal purchases.
Rapid Rewards Volume reflects the contributing qualification volume in the Executive Pay Plan segment of your business to help you in reaching the Rapid Rewards payout levels. So this means that you must have 100 in personal Rapid Rewards Volume and four personally sponsored members also with 100 Rapid Rewards points to qualify for the first level in the Rapid Rewards Bonus Program.
Sponsor-The person who actually introduced and signed up member into XoomaEnroller-Refers to placement order. An enroller may have a member placed below him but is not related back to the enroller through sponsorship.
Sponsor Tree- the organization based on relation through Sponsorship.
In this Example Ted Directly sponsored Mary, Kim, and Sue. Mary and Sue's personally sponsored members also show as part of Ted's sponsor tree.
Enroller Tree- displays all members in your organization both through sponsorship and spill over. This is the structure for the dual team plan all members in Xooma can participate in.The organization follows a structure of 2 members on the first level, and doubling each level after.
In this example you can see that Ted's Sponsor Tree fits in the enroller tree. So on Ted's First Level we have Mary and Sue. On the second level we have Kim, Emily, and Erin. And finally on the third level we have Patrick.
Sponsor Leg- refers to each member who you have personally sponsored and their organization.
Enroller Leg- refers to your first two enrollees in your dual team organization.
With the help of one of our new staff members (Trevor) I just wanted to post an update to more terms that may help you Explain/understand more Xooma Vocab.
Account Number: Member's unique identification number
Autoship: Program for monthly qualification order which bills/ships same day monthly
Back Office: Account management platform website for members
Balance: Organizationally equal distribution of members for commission qualifications
Binary Aspect: Direct marketing model of dual compensation promoting team building environment
Car Bonus: Bonus received when member reaches 75,000 Quantity Volume (QV)
Carry over Volume: Unused volume banked forward for potential future commissions
Cash Back Bonus: Bonus generated thru purchase of qualified cash-back package (ie, Rapid Rewards)
Commission Payouts: Payment of commission to member from Xooma Worldwide
Commission Stream: Any avenue in which member can generate income
Commission-able Dollar: Dollar amount equal to Point Volume (PV) in the system
Compensation Plan: Outline for income potential within Xooma Marketing Structure
Compensation Qualifications: Prerequisites for each compensation plan in order to receive income
Custom Link: Links created by member in Back Office
Custom Link Generator: Tool used to create links in Back Office
Cycle: Commission period, Reference Pay Cycle
Date Range: Period of time
Dual Team Income Stream: Team commissions generated in sponsor organization
Depth: Relationship between top and bottom of sponsor/enroller tree
Dialog Box: Pop-up which directs Back Office users through Back Office system
Direct Sales: Sales generated by Distributor
Distributor: Member enrolled in Xooma as a business builder who has potential to earn income
Distributor Specific Information: Information unique to an individual distributor
Double: Two month supply of Xooma product
Downline: Map of all members subordinate to a sponsor/enroller/distributor
Drop-ship Order: Order placed by member sent to address different than address on file
Dual Team Prosperity Plan: Bonus incentive program for qualified members
Edge Marketing System: 3rd party lead management and marketing tool used by distributors
Enroller: Organizational placement, not necessarily a sponsor
Enroller Leg: Branch of enroller organization related to enroller at the top of the branch
Enroller Tree Map: Organizational diagram describing team organization as concerns member
Executive Pay Match: Bonus incentive program for qualified members
Fundamental Income Stream: Most basic income stream for all members (dual-team commission)
Generational Cycle: A cycle which encompasses one of 4 generational levels
Generational Pay Match: Bonus incentive program for qualified members
HTML Tag: Programming code which dictates function/appearance of INTERNET documents
Icon: Graphic representation of Back Office menu and/or sub-menus
Income Stream: The avenue through which a member is paid a commission from Xooma Worldwide
Income Stream Payouts: The commission paid to a member from one of their income streams
Invoice Number: Unique number assigned after an order has been placed, verified and paid for
Leadership Bonus Pool: Bonus incentive program for qualified members
Left Leg: Left branch of the organization created by each distributor
Login: Term used for gaining entry to the Back Office system
Main Legs: Primary branch of a member's organization as determined by Xooma Worldwide
Marketing Aid: Any resource used to promote sales
Marketing Strategy: Any plan used to increase visibility of Xooma Products
Member: Any person either enrolled or who purchases products from Xooma Worldwide
Moving: The selling, sampling or consuming of Xooma product(s)
Organization: All members in an individual's group related through sponsorship or enrollment
Passcode: Private code known only to member used to gain access to their Back Office system
Pay Cycle: Accumulation of 160 Point Volume (PV) on Dual team organization which triggers payout
Pay Leg: Leg in Dual team organization that has lesser volume
Personal Order: Member's individual order
Personal Qualifications: Purchase made by member which qualifies them for various programs
Personalized Website: Member's individual replicated website created by member
PIN Number: Identification number assigned to all members when first enrolled with Xooma
Point Volume (PV): Point Value (PV) given to products as determined by Xooma Worldwide
Pop-up Window: Internet browser window which “pop's up” while operating a separate window
Preferred Customer: A member that purchases products but does not enroll as a distributor
Product Cart: Internet term used to group selected items together in preparation for purchase
Product Catalog: Avenue through which members can view current Xooma products
Product Code: Unique numeric code given each product that helps in identification and classification
Product Specific Site: Breakout site from Back Office providing information for individual products
Quad: Equals a four month supply of product(s)
Qualifying Volume: Volume needed to allow system to recognize members for commission payouts
Rapid Rewards: Bonus incentive program for qualified members
Rapid Rewards Volume (RR): Assigned volume to qualify members for Rapid Rewards program
Relevant Account Documentation: Information necessary to process any member request/action
Replicating Website: Member's individual website self-generating through enrollment
Right Leg: Right branch of the organization created by each distributor
Sales Volume: Amount of sales in any given pay cycle reached by a member within an organization
Ship Country: Field filled out by customer explaining country destination for shipping
Single: An order for a one month supply of product(s)
Site Management: Section of the website that allows you to update or control website information
Site Name Extension: Additional keywords place after xoomaworldwide.com/ identifying member
Site URL: Website code unique to individual websites, pages, tabs, etc.
SKU Number: A unique code given to each product
Spill-over: Members who are placed in an organization from a member’s upline
Sponsor: Member who introduces an individual (other members) to Xooma Worldwide
Sponsor Leg: Branch of organization beginning with a member's personal sponsor to end of branch
Tab: Designation of section of Back Office broken down by category and/or subject
Team: The combination of members in your enrollment organization, either from sponsorship or spill over
Team Commissions: Commissions earned by qualified members comprising a team
Tracking Number: Designated by shipping receipt in order to follow progress of shipped items
Transaction: Point of sale between Xooma Worldwide and member
Upline: Comprised of members between your sponsor (lowest level) back to company (highest level)
Value Packs: Money saving packages used for incentive program qualifications
Volume: Amount assigned to a product regarding Points, Quantity and Rapid Rewards
Xooma Compensation Model: business model in which member earns income with Xooma Worldwide
Xooma TV: Section of Back Office which provides videos concerning product/company information
Great site for everyone to read and learn. Thank you for your support and help to all of us in the field of Xooma!
This biz is so easy. If we understand to drink the Xtreme X20 water everyday and duplicate that process every week great things happen. Then to share with others to do the same. Carry that bottle everywhere with you. You will drink more water than you thought possible and you will be building your business.
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