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Back Office Training:
Advanced Genealogy Reporting – A step-by-step guide
Starting off a new year strong is the hope and desire of really any entrepreneur. We at Xooma love that spirit! And we wanted to share a Step by Step to help you manage and organize your group in the most efficient way possible.
Today we want to look at the Advanced genealogy reporting tools. Your back office is really a great tool to help you manage your organization. Organize, don't agonize. With this in mind we put together a quick Step by Step using your advanced genealogy.
Back Office Training:
Advanced Genealogy Reporting – A step-by-step guide
To use this XOOMA WORLDWIDE training guide you need to be a distributor with XOOMA WORLDWIDE with a back office password. You also must have at least one Distributor in your downline.
Assuming you have everything ready, let’s get started.
First you’ll need to go to the website. Enter “ http://www.xoomaworldwide.com ” into the address bar of your web browser.
Enter your login and password information and click on Member’s login.
Once you are logged in you’ll be taken to the Members only section. Here you can see Distributor specific information. Many pages on the XOOMA WORLDWIDE website contain “Distributor Only” information. You can’t see it unless you log in. You should always log in when you visit the XOOMA WORLDWIDE site to get the latest information available to you.
You are now in the Back Office in the Members Only section.
To access the Advanced Genealogy report click on the My Organization Tab.
Once you are in the my organization tab click on the “Advanced Reports” Icon
This will pull up the Advanced genealogy menu.
Because of the number of options, this report may look challenging to a first time user.
The best way to understand advanced reporting is to start with Quick Reports. Which are prefabricated reports using the advance genealogy.
Start by clicking on “Search Organization” Icon.
Quick Reports offer seven pre-selected report views. Some of these reports let you select the number of results you want returned on a page.
Let’s look at the reports that are available in the Quick Reports section.
First is the Mailing Labels report.
Click the submit button for the mailing labels report.
The mailing labels report shows you just the information you need to generate mailing labels. You get all of the basic information in your downline in one simple view.
When you are ready, press your “back” button.
Next is the missed orders report.
The “Missed Order” report gives you a report showing who in your organization whose auto-ship date has passed without an order in the system. This report allows you to follow up with your members and help them remain qualified.
When you’re done, please press your back button.
Press submit on the Current Volume Report
The current volume report lets you see who in your downline has ordered this month.
This report is a great way to see how and who is purchasing in your organization.
When you’re done, press the back button.
The Next report is “Current Rapid Rewards Qualifiers”.
This Quick Report shows how many members of your organization are purchasing to help with your rapid rewards.
This report gives you a good snap shot of how close you are to potential qualifications for rapid rewards in your organization.
When you’re done, press the back button.
The Current period active report allows you to see how many Active (the members who have a qualifying purchase within the 4 week qualification window) are in your organization)
This report allows you to see who is participating in building their business. This is like a more in depth look into your Xooma organization than just the front line report. It can also help you determine who you should invest time and coach.
Please press your back button.
The Current Inactive User Report shows you the member in your group who had not had a qualifying order within the 4 week Qualification window.
This Report is really designed to help you reach back out to members in your group who may need encouragement, or who may even nor be aware that they are inactive. You can really be proactive in helping a member who may be disengaging from active business building.
Please press your back button.
The last quick report is “Show Everything”. This report is often what you’ll use when you want to build an Advanced Genealogy report. We’ll show you why in a moment.
Press Submit on the Show Everything Report.
This report shows nearly every piece of data that your downline contains. As the Advanced Genealogy reports grow this report will continue to get bigger and more comprehensive.
We have a lot of data available to work with. All these columns will make sense when we start looking at what we can do in the Advanced Reports.
This time, we’re NOT going to press the back button.
This looks a lot like that intimidating screen up we first got when we clicked on Advanced Genealogy
There’s one big difference between this and the first screen.
All the “Filter” boxes are already checked.
Why is that important? Because it shows you that the Quick Reports and the Advanced Genealogy Reporting option are related. If you view a quick report and then click “make changes”, you’ll see that what is selected here will change. You can use a quick report as the basis for your advanced report.
As an example: You could select the mailing label quick report and then filter the results to show just people from your home state. The advanced genealogy reporting system will let you view your downline in almost any way you want.
You can see Distributors in just one leg of your downline who joined in the last three years, who live in New Jersey, haven’t ordered in the last two months and are named “Bruce.” Really…it’s that advanced.
You will likely never run that report, but you might want to see people who have ordered in the last 30 days.
Let’s try making your own custom report.
Each of the headers has a dedicated line on this menu. You can remove or add a column by simply adding or removing the check mark for the filter you want to use.
Let’s say that Xooma Worldwide has announced a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. And you want to get a list of all your members in Atlanta just so you can personally invite them to this event.
We can customize a list just for this by organizing the information through our advanced genealogy report.
So if we want a complete list of all members in your organization in Georgia simply remove all of the unnecessary information on the advance genealogy that won’t help.
Let’s start by removing information we do not need, to remove the information we simply click on the green check mark by the filter.
Our first 2 lines in this advanced genealogy menu show 2 search type options.
The first line reads “Show Tree”. The Tree in you organization is like a family tree that show relations of members in an organization and the person who started that tree.
The two trees that make up your organization are the sponsor tree and enrollment tree.
Sponsor Tree- the organization based on relation through Sponsorship.
In this Example Ted Directly sponsored Mary, Kim, and Sue. Mary and Sue's personally sponsored members also show as part of Ted's sponsor tree.
Beyond the sponsor tree you also have your Enroller Tree.
Enroller Tree- displays all members in your organization both through sponsorship and spill over. This is the structure for the dual team plan all members in Xooma can participate in. The organization follows a structure of 2 members on the first level, and doubling each level after.
In this example you can see that Ted's Sponsor Tree fits in the enroller tree. So on Ted's First Level we have Mary and Sue. On the second level we have Kim, Emily, and Erin. And finally on the third level we have Patrick.
With each tree different information will be displayed.
So in the sponsor tree since you have a direct relationship to all the members of your sponsor organization all of the information is available for those members.
The Enroller Tree option will limit some of the information you can access because the enrollment tree may contain information about people you may not personally know. This is simply a safeguard we have in place to maintain privacy of our members. The fields that are removed by selecting the enroller tree are the: show street address 1, show street address 2, show street address 3, show city, show state, show zip, show Day phone, and show email.
It is good to keep this in mind when you are trying to pull a concise report.
1.Meet All Criteria, which means that all filters you search with have to be in agreement,
2. Meet Any Criteria, which means that if any of the filters you choose are true they will be a result in your search.
For our purposes in our example we want all filters to agree and we will choose Meet All Criteria.
Once you have selected the Sponsor Tree on line 1, and Search Type is selected to meet all of our criteria.
Now we need to remove information.
Remove the check marks from the following fields: Show Enroller Number, Show Enroller Name, Show Sponsor Number, Show Sponsor Name, Show date of Last Sale, Show Entry Date, Show Cash Back Qualified, Show Most Recent Rank, Show Vested Rank, Show Monthly QV (all months), Show weekly QV (all weeks), Show Rapid Rewards (for all months).
Once you have removed the check from these filters you should have the following filters checked: Show Distributor / PC ID, Show ( Simple Full ) Level, Show First Name, Show Last Name, Show Company Name, Show Type, Show Email Address, Show Street Address Line 1, Show Street Address Line 2, Show Street Address Line 3, Show City, Show State, Show Zip, Show Country, Show Day Phone, Show on Auto-ship.
Click submit.
Once you click submit you should see that the report only contains the information we have "checked" on our filters.
These results show all of the items we checked but we still need to refine our search.
If the meeting in our example is in Atlanta we should at least notify the members in your organization within Georgia.
So Let’s click on the make changes link. And return to our filter menu.
Scroll down until you see Show State filter. Once you are at the Show state line click on the gray arrow next to the box which says No Filter. The Gray arrow allow you to see the Filter options. In this case we can choose “equal to” represented by the “=” equal sign. Or we can select “greater than, less than” represented by “<>”.
For our need let’s choose “equal to” “=”. Once you have selected “equal to” we need to set what we want the results to be. Since the Meeting in our example is in Atlanta we will set the state to Georgia. Our system recognizes state abbreviation so let’s type in GA into the blank field directly to the right.
Once you have finished updating this field scroll down and click the “submit” at the bottom of the menu.
Once the Filters have been reapplied your results will be updated.
These results are similar to our original report with one major difference all of the members shown are now in the state of Georgia (GA)!
So you have been able to pull a report that you can use to allow you to contact all of the members in your group who may be able to attend the Xooma meeting in Atlanta.
If you have no members in your organization from Georgia you may have received an empty report like this screen
If you see a screen like this you have no results to show.
This screen will also appear if there is a conflicting filter in your report.
A “no results” message means you have no members in your downline from that state or you entered in a bad state abbreviation. If you entered in the state abbreviation GZ you likely won’t get anything back.
What we’ve done here is taken your downline results and FILTERED the results so that we only see a part of it. You can apply as many filters as you like but eventually you’ll filter down to where there are no results.
When filtering text values like state names you can only do exact comparisons. Entering V* will not give you all the people in Vermont and Virginia . In fact it will return nothing, as there is no state abbreviation V*.
We just did an “equals” comparison, there is one other comparison we can do here. The <> symbol means DOES NOT EQUAL. This is used to filter out only a certain result but include everything else. If we were to have selected VA in our example above and selected <> we would have gotten results from every state EXCEPT for Virginia , those would have been filtered out.
You might use this to build two different mailing campaigns. You might send one letter to people in your downline from your state and a different letter to people outside your state. Rather having to sort your downline by hand you can just have the computer give you the two different lists.
Try several searches using DOES NOT EQUAL and see what your results are.
Here we have the same options of = EQUAL and <> DOES NOT EQUAL but we also add the options of > GREATER THAN and < LESS THAN.
These searches work not only for numbers but for dates as well. Let’s try searching by a date.
There are two date fields we can search from, “Entry Date” and “Last Sale Date.”
Let’s look for people who have ordered since November 15, 2011. (Depending on your downline you might not have anyone that gets returned, feel free to use other dates.)
Show date of last sale greater than November 15, 2011.
Click “Submit” and check out your results.
What we’ve done is ask to see only people whose last sale date is after (or greater than) November 15, 2011. You could combine this with a filter for people in your state or city to hold a “win-back meeting” to talk about new products and new opportunities at XOOMA WORLDWIDE.
This is a simple introduction to Advanced Genealogy reporting. You can see that there is a lot that can be done with the reports. The level of sophistication of a report is limited only by the time you are willing to put into it. When you first look at the filter page it’s a little intimidating but if you really look at the page, there are just a few things you need to learn.
The checkboxes next to SHOW let you turn a column “on” or “off” in the report. Just because we wanted to include users only from Georgia doesn’t mean we need to show the column. It would work just as well if the column was hidden.
The filter by column lets you pick up to four possible ways to filter the data or select “no filter” to include everything. Both “Greater than” and “less than” comparisons are available with dates and numerical data while “Equal” and “Does Not Equal” comparisons are available for every field.
The last column to understand is the filter column on the far right. That is where you enter the information you want to compare.
Once you learn these four things you can build any report you want!
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